On Thursday 7th August 2015, Cornell PENN, a 44 year old male from the BVI was arrested and charged by the Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy (ONDCP) for breaches of the Money Laundering (Prevention) Act.
PENN who was in possession of over US$ 58,000.00 upon his arrest, piloted his motor vessel to Antigua and Barbuda on Wednesday 5th August 2015, and proceeded to bypass the requirements for arrival into the country and failed to declare the cash which he had in his possession.
Under the Money Laundering (Prevention) Act, it is an offence for anyone to Fail to declare currencies of US$ 10,000.00 or more in cash or monetary instruments.

The cash was seized and PENN received two (2) charges for his actions which are money laundering offences under the Money Laundering (Prevention) Act (MLPA).
“18A(1) A Customs Officer, Police Officer or ONDCP Officer on duty anywhere in the jurisdiction or a member of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force engaged in maritime duties may seize and detain currency if he or she has reason to suspect that it is an instrumentality in the commission of an offence against subsection 18(1) or 18(2) or is the proceeds of crime or is intended by the person for use in unlawful activity.”
PENN appeared in St. John’s Magistrate court on 10th August 2015. A person guilty of an offence of money laundering is liable on conviction to a fine of two hundred thousand dollars but which may extend to one million dollars, and to imprisonment of a term of seven years.
The ONDCP wishes to thank the Customs & Excise Division, the Immigration Department and the ABDF Coast Guard for their assistance in the execution of this successful operation.