The Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy recently held a Graduation ceremony where twelve (12) new recruits on completion of a twelve (12) week intensive classroom and physical training programme received their certificates of completion and appointment on 9th September 2014.
During the three month period the officers were exposed to counter narcotics operations, reviewed the process of examination of all financial institutions for verifying the existence of adequate AML/CFT safeguards, studied the analytical process undertaken by our Financial Intelligence Unit, further undertook a study of all laws that govern the functioning of the Agency, reviewed issues of corruption and its impact on society, received an overview of the national drug strategy and plans, examined the process engaged in conducting proper financial investigations, understanding the court process and the specific requirements for effective drug and financial investigations, and reinforced the principles of confidentiality, integrity, loyalty, professionalism and accountability.
The Director of the ONDCP, Lt. Col. Edward Croft in his remarks stated that all Caribbean countries share the common thread of being caught in the crossfire of international drug trafficking. Drug flows through a country can aggravate crime in a range of ways:
- They produce local drug use problems, as couriers are often paid in product rather than cash and are compelled to sell on local markets. This has secondary effects on domestic crime problems, including youth gangs, prostitution, and market related violent and property crime.
- Drug transactions involve firearms, and firearms are often traded for drugs.
- Movement of drugs inevitably involves corruption of local law enforcement officials, as well as other civil servants.
- Laundering the proceeds of drug sales undermines legitimate economic activity.

He further stated that “Money Laundering is a national responsibility and all relevant stakeholders must be involved in the process to adequately address the AML/CFT issues. He also left the graduates with the words of Albert Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” As newly appointed ONDCP Officers, I charge you to be of value to the agency though your Loyalty, use of Integrity, Objectivity, Professionalism and commitment and holding yourselves Accountable for your actions.”
Also present at the graduation ceremony was Prime Minister, the Honorable Gaston Browne who delivered the feature address. The Prime Minister congratulated the graduates on becoming members of aunique and very vital institution in the fight against crime of all types. He further stated that “Because of the organization’s focus on serious organized crime, the government recognizes that your job is one of high risk and therefore you are to be commended for this bold step.”

The Prime Minister further assured the members that the Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party Administration is committed to providing the agency with the necessary equipment, skills and leadership necessary for it to succeed. He urged the serving officers and members of the ONDCP, and the new members to remain steadfast to their objectives not only when things seem easy but also when the going gets really tough. Always remembering that irrespective of the magnitude of the challenge, failure is not an option. That is a mantra of my (ABLP) government. “We have set a very impressive objective to Transforming Antigua and Barbuda into an economic power house. Therefore we need to ensure that all agencies, all departments within the government perform at optimal performance which requires full commitment full effort of everyone; we must ensure that you are also successful.” The Prime Minister implored the newly appointed officers, to not only be of great value, but also to be of great success on their journey and in their careers.
Presentations were awarded for best shot, best surveillance, best physical training, and top student.
Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr. Anthony Armstrong was also on hand to present the certificates of graduation to the newly appointed Officers.