PM Browne sends Open Letter to Antiguans and Barbudans on COVID-19
Office of the Prime Minister
9 April 2020
Dear Antiguans and Barbudans, Residents and Visitors:
This is a message from your humble servant Gaston Browne.
I am calling on everyone to continue to exercise personal responsibility to observe the curfew restrictions, enforce the social distancing protocol of six feet, continue to practice good personal hygiene etiquette and stay at home.
In the event you have to leave your home, wear a mask, even an improvised one using cloth. Those who have symptoms or exposure to anyone with COVID-19, should self-quarantine or isolate as appropriate. If symptoms persist, immediate medical attention should be sought. Please note, do not wait until you are critically ill to seek medical attention. It may be too late.
We are all susceptible to COVID-19 and therefore should be extremely vigilant.
Please be reminded that young and healthy people, though less susceptible are not immune from the consequences of COVID-19. COVID-19 is a potential death sentence for all of us, especially those who are negligent and indisciplined with underlying illnesses to include diabetes, hypertension, asthma and heart disease.
Let us work diligently and collectively by girding our loins and joining the battle to defeat COVID-19.
Much love and blessings.
Stay safe,
Gaston A. Browne
Prime Minister