To become the Caribbean’s lead law enforcement agency combating illegal narcotics, money laundering, and terrorism financing.
To eliminate transnational Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering and financing of terrorism.
Realization of our Mission
To realize our mission we will engage in the following:-
- Draw on the best personnel from Antigua and Barbuda and the Caribbean Region
- Measure our success through the number of arrests and convictions for drug trafficking, money laundering and terrorism financing; through the quantity of illegal drugs seized; and through the realized value of confiscated assets
- Develop our staff through continuous assessment and a structured training programme, supported by transparent human resource processes, with a view to ONDCP becoming a regionally recognized centre of excellence in the field of counter narcotics and money laundering work.
- Provide an annual assessment of the threat facing Antigua & Barbuda from organised criminality engaged in narcotic trafficking, money laundering and associated offences.
- Develop operational plans, detailing how ONDCP proposes to tackle the threats highlighted in the annual threat assessment.
- Work with other national stakeholders, regional and other overseas partners, by mounting combined operations, the timely sharing of Intelligence and collaboration in training.
Guiding Values
Our actions will be judged and guided by our guiding values:-
The commitment to a deliberate, consistent framework of moral and national responsibility in the performance of our duties.
An unbiased and just approach to all tasks.
Our principled obligation to ensure that all of our activities are answerable to civic and public society and can be held up to scrutiny.
A dedicated approach to act in a professional manner and to place the interests of the institution ahead of our own personal interests.
Faithful, unswerving allegiance to the vision, mission and duties of the institution and nation as a whole; by providing support to our colleagues in the ONDCP and other National Law Enforcement Agencies in achieving ours, and their goals.