Vessel named - “STRATOS”:
One 1990 Donzi Cuddy 2x 225 Evinrude 1996
Condition of the vessel:
Being sold for scrap
See pictures below:

Asking price: EC$20,000.00 (negotiable)
Inspection of the property will only be conducted from the 11th to 16th July between the hours of 0800 to 1200 hrs.
Interested persons are invited to call 562 3255 ext. 251 to schedule an appointment for inspection.
Offer for sale closes on 23rd, July 2021
All interested parties are invited to submit an offer together with a source of funds for purchase in a sealed envelope with the subject caption: “ONDCP Sale of Vessels-Stratos” to:
The Director of the ONDCP
ONDCP Headquarters
Camp Blizard
Only serious offers will be considered.